Explore Our Plants

Get your camera ready and explore the special plants making an appearance this season!

Rare and Endangered Plants

Measuring 55.75 inches tall, an Amorphophallus titanum, also known as titan arum, recently bloomed at the Garden in July 2024! Nicknamed the corpse flower due to its rancid smell of rotting flesh, this plant and its extraordinary bloom are a rare occurrence as most require seven to ten years to produce their first blooms, and bloom only every four to five years thereafter.


Native Plants

SDBG is located in Encinitas, California, within a mile of the Pacific coast. We have 11 acres of natural areas and restored natural areas. The local southern maritime chaparral and coastal sage scrub plant communities are some of the nation’s most endangered vegetation types, as they are small and restricted to coastal areas.

What’s in Bloom?

San Diego Botanic Garden is always in bloom! Check back for unique blooms and seasonal highlights throughout the year.

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